Porowhita Tuakana
Digital Exhinition
Presented by Unleashed artists, Porowhita Tuakana refers to porowhita the pounamu ‘circle of life’ shape and tuakana meaning older sibling – the ones who guide the younger members of a whanau. Unleashed is a group made up of young people who aren’t quite adults but aren’t teenagers or tamariki anymore. So they are at a tuakana stage in their porowhita, or circle of life.
The porowhita also plays into the motif and aesthetic of the show as well, using a to circular motif which tied all the work together. This made exhibiting more accessible to the artists, and allowed them more freedom to create personalised works within a simple shape. From fish eye photography to digital art to oil on canvas, each artist had a unique take on the circular motif and made it work for them!