Natasha Sadlier
Natasha Sadlier works in acrylic, using an intensive patterning system where layers are built up over time. Themes of nature and time feature strongly in her work with organic plant forms, flowers and rivers.
The artworks invite you to look closely and when you do you are rewarded with symbolic references to the marae, time and religion. Natasha responds to universal themes with freshness and a touch of humour.
For Natasha, being an artist allows her to let go of old ways, something she describes as ‘stepping out of your cocoon.’ This process of emergence and self-belief is something she is acutely aware of.
“I used to put my heart in a little corner and put spikes around it so I wouldn’t be able to take a leap of faith. But since I’ve been here I’ve taken the leap of faith of getting to know myself”.