Creativity changes lives
We see ourselves differently
Creativity can restore mana. It can help to shift thinking so we can hold our heads up high and begin to see ourselves as creative beings.
Art is like armour. It gives me a way to be in the world. When I’m creating I forget that I have a mental illness.
I’ve been to lots of counselling but making things with my hands can be more helpful.
We’re healthier and happier
Creativity anchors us with its therapeutic power. It brings us into the moment and is a tool we can use to work through trauma.
Our voices are heard
Artist leadership steers the direction; ideas are expressed, listened to and valued.
I’ve got the confidence now to have my say – my ideas are listened to, and what I think matters.
Art keeps me well. Since coming here I try and do art everyday – It’s given me a life-line and friends.
We’re part of something bigger
There is space for all to belong and connect. We see ourselves as a family, who come together over a love of creativity, a shared experience of mental distress and recognition that we are all bring something different to the table.
A world of possibilities
Being on a creative pathway opens up a whole new world: showing and selling artwork, learning new skills, and going on to study or work.
I cannot express how life changing ŌCS has been for my family. They provide a safe, calming space for people to believe in themselves and to look forward to their future.
The Profound Impact of our Programmes
There’s lots of evidence on the therapeutic power of creativity. In 2018 Ihi Research and Development published an evaluation of the impact of our programmes, which found “profound” impact on the artists. New positive identities as artists can be a real catalyst for change. Read the full report by clicking on the button below..