Hōhepa Mutu
Ōmarumutu marae
Waiaua awa
Whakatōhea iwi
Mātaatua waka
Mākeo maunga
Hōhepa Mutu is a graffiti artist with a clear vision for his work which has helped him become a prolific creator in his field. From a young age, Hōhepa has had a fascination with street art and once he started, he never stopped.
Over the years, Hōhepa has painted murals on many walls around Christchurch and filled countless notebooks with colourful tags. These days, Hōhepa channels his skill and passion for graffiti onto more concise mediums like canvasses. This has allowed him to participate in more traditional art ventures and has opened opportunities for him to show and sell his work through avenues like exhibitions and commissions.
When working on his canvasses, Hōhepa’s focus is colour and attention to detail. He has developed his own unique set of fonts, embellishments and colour schemes.